Florida Counseling Association's
Leadership Development Institute
The FCA Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is held in June of each year just before the new leaders come into office. This Institute focuses on the fostering of leadership and the training of emerging leaders in the Association and its divisions. The plans for this event are found in the FCA Governance Manual.
Therefore, all current and incoming leaders within FCA, including FCA Committee Chairs, Region Representatives, and all Division leaders are required to attend.* However, this event is also open to all FCA members interested in leadership or to learn more about how FCA functions.
Friday, June 2, 2023 and Saturday, June 3, 2023
9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. EST
Barry University
Andreas Law Center (ALC) Building
(located in the front of the campus)
Room 103
6441 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32807
Click here for a map of Barry University
The Leadership Development Institute (LDI) offered by the Florida Counseling Association (FCA) is a comprehensive program designed to equip aspiring leaders with the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become more effective in their leadership roles.
The program is open to counseling professionals at all levels of their career, including graduate students, early career professionals, and seasoned practitioners looking to enhance their leadership abilities. The program is designed to provide a stimulating and interactive learning environment that promotes self-awareness, critical thinking, cultural competence, and collaboration.
The curriculum of the Leadership Development Institute covers a broad range of topics, including leadership theories, leadership roles, multicultural competence in leadership, communication skills, team building, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and ethical leadership. The program features a blend of didactic instruction and experiential learning activities.
We are excited to be meeting in-person this year for this event! Click here for directions to Barry University's Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law.
Contact fcaoffice@flacounseling.org with any questions, problems or suggestions for this website.
Mailing Address: Florida Counseling Association 2750 Taylor Avenue Suite A-36 Orlando, Florida 32806 | Florida Counseling Association is a non-profit organization, branch of the American Counseling Association. |