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A branch of the American Counseling Association

FCA Foundation

The Florida Counseling Association Foundation enhances counselors and counselors-in-training ability to be culturally competent service providers through the provision of professional development opportunities, leadership training, and social justice advocacy.

The Florida Counseling Association Foundation's vision is to provide professional counselors with evidenced based educational opportunities and financial resources to promote the well-being of the Florida Counseling Association and our constituents throughout the State of Florida. 

The Florida Counseling Association Foundation's Goals:
    • To increase awareness of the Foundation and it's goals throughout FCA, with other organizations on state, regional, and national levels.
    • Support students in graduate counseling programs through the underwriting of scholarships that enable attendance at FCA Annual Conventions, Graduate Student Symposiums, and other venues that encourage involvement and excellence.
    • Develop Emerging Leaders and Advocates in the counseling profession by providing scholarships that support their participation in the FCA Leadership Development Institute (LDI).
    • Enter into partnership with other organizations.

2023-2026 Board of Directors

Dr. Melissa Ostrander, Chairperson

Dr. George Vera, Chairperson-Elect

Dr. Caroline Perjessy, Secretary

Dr. Nicole Kratimenos, Treasurer

Dr. Lourdes Araujo, Director

Dr. Alecia Rodriguez, Director

Dr. Raul Machuca, Director

Donate to the FCA Foundation via Zelle

Want to support the FCA Foundation?  Donate today!  Follow the instructions below to submit your generous contribution through Zelle. 

    1. Log in to your personal bank account;
    2. Click on "Send Money with Zelle" (usually found in the transfer or pay tab of your bank account);
    3. Add FCA Foundation to your recipients by using the e-mail:; and
    4. Send your desired donation through your bank account to FCA Foundation.

Thank you for your donation!

Contact with any questions, problems or suggestions for this website.

Mailing Address:

Florida Counseling Association

2750 Taylor Avenue

Suite A-36

Orlando, Florida 32806

Florida Counseling Association is a non-profit organization, branch of the American Counseling Association.

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